What are the next steps for the US economy?
西元2010年05月03日 — INSEAD economics professor Antonio Fatas was invited to Washington recently by the Board of Governors of the Federal reserve to talk to them about just that. Joined by academics from two other institutions, Fatas discussed topics such as long-term debt, taxes, and the overall outlook for the US in the near to mid-term

西元2010年05月03日 - 欧洲工商管理学院经济学教授安东尼奥法塔斯应邀到华盛顿的联邦储备理事会最近就向他们讲了这一点。学者与来自其他两个机构,法塔斯讨论的议题,如长期债务,税收,以及对美国在向中期附近的整体面貌

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