Poptech2010.4.9---Reihan Salam: 新保守主義

Reihan Salam: New Conservatism
Reihan Salam, a fellow at the New America Foundation, writes on politics, culture, and technology. At PopTech 2009, Salam argues that America has been growing steadily more diverse, and divided by massive inequalities, a trend that will lead the country down a path of increasing social conservatism. Salam is also co-author of Grand New Party: How Conservatives Can Win the Working Class and Save the American Dream
Reihan薩拉姆,一個傢伙在新美國基金會,寫在政治,文化和技術。在PopTech 2009年,薩拉姆認為,美國一直穩步增長更多元化,除以巨大的不平等,這種趨勢將導致該國的道路向下增加社會保守主義。薩拉姆也合著的大新黨:如何保守黨能夠贏得工人階級和挽救美國夢

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