
O'Reilly Webcast: Netflix and the Second Coming of the Internet
A look at the shift to an API-driven web where content, marketing and commerce are carried out beyond the browser in a world of millions of internet-connected devices, mobile computing and the rise of the app store. This webcast includes presentation and discussion on successfully developing an API strategy for retail, media and ecommerce companies in the new internet. Learn how to drive mobile apps, cloud services and innovation using APIs for developer adoption and revenue-generating partnerships. Michael Hart, Director of Engineering at Netflix and Mike Debnar, Vice President of Multichannel at Apigee, will discuss the business shift to an as-a-Service model as well as the new technical demands and infrastructure required by the "API Economy."

看看這些轉變為一個 API驅動的網站在內容,市場營銷和商業都進行了瀏覽器之外的世界數以百萬計的互聯網連接設備,移動計算和應用商店的崛起。此網絡廣播包括演講和討論的API的策略成功地發展為零售,媒體和電子商務公司在新的互聯網。了解如何推動移動應用服務,雲服務和創新為開發通過使用API和創收的夥伴關係。邁克爾哈特,工程總監邁克 Debnar在Netflix和副總統在Apigee多通道,將洽談業務轉移到作為即服務模型以及新的技術要求和基礎設施所需的“API的經濟。

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