Sir Win Bischoff: An insider's view on the financial crisis From: INSEADofficial | 西元2010年02月22日Sir Win Bischoff provides an insiders view on the role of financial institutions during the current financial crisis. When will financial institutions regain the trust of markets and societies? He also discusses the potential role that regulation can play to ensure that a similar episode is not repeated in the futureWin Bischoff
先生:一个局内人的关于金融危机的看法来自:INSEADofficial |西元2010年02月22日Win Bischoff先生提供了一个业内人士对金融机构的作用的看法,在当前的金融危机。当将金融机构重新获得市场和社会的信任呢?他还讨论了潜在的调控作用可以发挥,以确保类似事件不会在将来重复

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