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Poptech2010.6.22---Massoud Amin: 智能電網

Massoud Amin: A Smart Grid
Massoud Amin wants to make our energy infrastructure more sustainable and secure. The complex systems researcher from the University of Minnesota believes this requires networking energy into a "smart" grid that incorporates alternative energy. This will provide national as well as environmental and financial security.


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Poptech2010.6.14---Dan Ariely: 非理性經濟學

Dan Ariely: Irrational Economics
MIT professor Dan Ariely believes that the starting point for making better decisions, particularly with financial matters, requires understanding the impulse to act irrationally. At PopTech 2009, Ariely discussed an excerpt from his new book, The Upside of Irrationality, about the role of emotions in the workplace.

麻省理工學院教授丹阿雷利認為,出發點作出更好的決策,特別是財政問題,需要理解非理性的衝動行為。在PopTech 2009年,阿雷利討論摘錄從他的新書,好處的非理性,情感的角色,在工作場所。

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Poptech2010.6.14---Rinku Sen: 司法定位

Rinku Sen: Locating Justice
Rinku Sen, president and executive director of the Applied Research Center, is devoted to creating a more inclusive America. If we're willing to be explicit about the ways racism works around us, Sen says, we can create the society we all want to live in. Sen also publishes the ColorLines, a magazine on race and politics.


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