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Hans Rosling: The good news of the decade?
Hans Rosling reframes 10 years of UN data with his spectacular visuals, lighting up an astonishing -- mostly unreported -- piece of front-page-worthy good news. Along the way, he debunks one flawed approach to stats that blots out such vital stories.
汉斯罗斯林reframes十年壮观的视觉效果与他的联合国的数据,照亮了一个惊人的 - 主要是未报告 - 的头版值得好消息。一路上,他破除了一个有缺陷的方法,统计出这些重要的故事的印迹。

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Entrepreneurship: the Bootcamp approach
INSEADofficial | 西元2010年09月27日
Entrepreneurs need to have plenty of self-confidence and be passionate about their projects -- not just when starting up their own businesses but also when innovating within large corporations.
"The biggest difference I see between managers and entrepreneurs is that managers analyse a lot and entrepreneurs act a lot," says INSEAD Associate Professor of Entrepreneurship Filipe Santos.
INSEADofficial |西元2010年09月27日
企业家需要有自信,并充满激情的丰富他们的项目 - 启动时不只是自己的企业,而且在大型企业时,创新。
中文翻譯字幕 ==> 影片右下角三角形選單=> 關閉原文字幕cc =>原文字幕操作caption actions => 轉錄音軌內容Transcribe audio=> 翻譯原文字幕Transcribe captions

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