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A Video of the Water Fueled Car
Genepax a Japanese company, recently revealed in Osaka an electric powered car that can run on any type of water. The car can run for an hour at about 50 miles per hour on just a liter of water; about 2 cans of soda worth. Unlike other electric cars, the Genepax car does not require that batteries be recharged and has no emission. The car runs on the electrons from the hydrogen that is in the water. Not only is this alternative power method good for the environment, it is also easier on everyone's wallet.


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A Video of Jim Carroll and the 10 Great Words for Innovation
The futurist Jim Carroll has found a new sector in the world of self-help: with the hopeful title "10 Great Words for Innovation" he is creating motivational rules, aimed at awakening the public of its current lethargy and make people envision a brighter future.

未来学家Jim Carroll在自我帮助世界里找到了一个新的领域:通过这个充满着希望的标题"10­个在创新上的伟大单词",他正在创造有着动机的规则,这项行动的目标是来唤醒现在漠不­关心的人们,来让人们憧憬一个更好的未来。

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A Video of the World's Greenest Homes - Home Dome
作为世界最环保的家园视频 - 主页巨蛋
Dennis Odin Johnson has been designing, manufacturing and building environmentally green homes and dome homes since 1971. His company, Natural Spaces Domes, is one of the leading manufacturers of geodesic dome homes in the world. During his nearly 40 years of building domes, one of his major focuses has been educating and promoting the green aspect and environmental sustainability of dome homes as well as all home designs in general.

从1971年开始,Dennis Odin Johnson就开始设计,制造和建造绿色环保的房屋和圆顶屋。他的公司名为Natu­ral Spaces Domes是世界上领先的环保圆顶屋制造商。在他将尽40年的建造圆顶屋的过程中,他­专注的点之一是教育和推广圆顶屋的环境可持续性,同时总体上,他也关注房屋设计。

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