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What is Google TV?
Google — 西元2010年06月15日 — Get more than just shows and movies on your television. Watch videos on the web, browse photos, play games, and more -- all in one seamless experience. Now this is entertainment.
Learn more at www.google.com/tv.
谷歌 - 西元2010年06月15日 - 获得不仅仅是对你的电视节目和电影更多。在网路上观看影片,浏览照片,玩游戏,等等 - 都在同一个无缝的体验。现在,这是娱乐。
了解更多在www.google.com /电视

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Chinas Babytree.com: how it achieved its growth spurt
INSEADofficial — 西元2010年05月25日 — Just three years after starting up, Babytree.com, a social networking site for parents in China already boasts some 12 million visitors, a mammoth feat by any standards.
Chinas Babytree.com:如何实现它的井喷式增长
INSEADofficial - 西元2010年05月25日 - 就在3年后启动,Babytree.com,社交网站在中国的父母已经拥有约1200万旅客,以任何标准庞大的壮举。

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A more accurate pricing of risk to dampen reckless
西元2010年05月10日 — Jean Dermine, Professor of Banking & Finance
More stringent financial regulations in the world's markets are on the way, but one INSEAD professor suggests that a more accurate pricing of risk - for example, within the banking sector - would serve just as well to dampen reckless speculation in the financial world.
西元2010年05月10日 - 让Dermine,银行与金融学教授
在世界市场上更严格的金融法规的道路上,但一个欧洲工商管理学院教授建议,对风险更准确的定价范围内的银行部门 - 例如, - 将成为一样好,以打击在金融世界鲁莽的猜测
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What are the next steps for the US economy?
西元2010年05月03日 — INSEAD economics professor Antonio Fatas was invited to Washington recently by the Board of Governors of the Federal reserve to talk to them about just that. Joined by academics from two other institutions, Fatas discussed topics such as long-term debt, taxes, and the overall outlook for the US in the near to mid-term

西元2010年05月03日 - 欧洲工商管理学院经济学教授安东尼奥法塔斯应邀到华盛顿的联邦储备理事会最近就向他们讲了这一点。学者与来自其他两个机构,法塔斯讨论的议题,如长期债务,税收,以及对美国在向中期附近的整体面貌

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Negotiating to win西元2010年04月20日From the most mundane transaction to strategic high-level boardroom dealings, knowing how to negotiate is integral to success and survival. Yet few have mastered the art of successful negotiation or value negotiation as INSEAD Affiliate Professor of Decision Sciences, Horacio Falcao, calls it西元2010年04月20日从最普通的交易战略高级别会议室交易,知道如何谈判是不可或缺的成功和生存。然而,很少有人掌握了成功的谈判或价值作为欧洲工商管理学院决策科学教授加盟,奥拉西奥法尔康,谈判艺术称之为

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Turning around Tyco: how corporate governance saved the day From: INSEADofficial | 西元2010年04月12Shareholders are screaming. The stock price has dropped from $60 to $7 a share. The press is hitting you every day with requests for info on the turnaround of the company. The prior management is still there, wondering about their futures. The prior board is there, wondering about their futures. And youre there, trying to bring some order to this chaos, thats how Eric Pillmore describes a typical day at the office when he stepped into the corporate governance role at Tyco early in August of 2002
转身泰康:如何保存一天公司治理来自:INSEADofficial |西元2010年04月12日股东是尖叫。该公司股价从60美元下降至700之间。新闻界是打你对公司的信息要求每天周转。以前的管理仍然存在,对他们的未来想。前板那里,对他们的未来想。和您选择在那里,试图把一些秩序的混乱状态,这就是如何埃里克皮尔莫尔介绍了典型的一天在办公室时,他将在泰科公司治理的作用,2002年8月初加强

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Global Information Technology Report 2009-2010 From: INSEADofficial | 西元2010年03月26日 Soumitra Dutta, Roland Berger Professor of Business and Technology at INSEAD and co-author of the report discusses the main findings of this new issue of the Global Information Technology Report jointly published by INSEAD and the Worl Economic Forum
2009-2010年全球资讯科技报告来自:INSEADofficial |西元2010年03月26日Soumitra杜塔,罗兰贝格教授商业和技术在欧洲工商管理学院和合作,报告的作者讨论了这个全球信息技术由欧洲工商管理学院和沃尔经济论坛公布的报告书新问题的主要结论。

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Leading in the Age of Talent Wars From: INSEADofficial | 西元2010年02月22日Tony Murphy, Senior VP HR Eli Lilly and Sidney Taurel, CEO & Chairman Eli Lilly. Interview conducted by Charles Galunic Eli Lilly is a 130-year old company with a tradition of innovative pharmaceutical products and a globally recognized brand name. It is also recognized perennially as one of the top 100 best companies to work for in Fortunes annual survey. This Leadercast takes a look at how Eli Lilly competes in the human capital arena
.领先时代的人才大战来自:INSEADofficial |西元2010年02月22日托尼墨菲,人力资源高级副总裁西德尼托雷尔礼来,礼来公司首席执行官及董事长。由查尔斯Galunic进行面试礼来是一个130年的药剂产品的创新和全球知名品牌的传统老企业。人们也认识到常年为100强最好的公司之一,在财富年度调查工作的。这Leadercast需要在礼来公司如何在人力资本上竞争的外观。领先时代的人才大战来自:INSEADofficial |西元2010年02月22日托尼墨菲,人力资源高级副总裁西德尼托雷尔礼来,礼来公司首席执行官及董事长。由查尔斯Galunic进行面试

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Entrepreneurship in China From: INSEADofficial | 西元2010年02月22日 Wayne Dai, Founder, Chairman, President and CEO of VeriSilicon Holdings Co., Ltd. Interview conducted by Phil AndersonWayne Dai is the founder and CEO of VeriSilicon Holdings, a chip design foundry with operation centres in Shanghai in China, as well as Taiwan, Japan and Silicon Valley in the US. The firm currently has 140 engineers. Dai, a former professor in computer engineering at the University of California at Santa Cruz, was named as one of the top ten venture-backed entrepreneurs in China in 2005. In this Leadercast we find out how his company handles transcultural issues and how it attracts and retains talent
创业在中国来自:INSEADofficial |西元2010年02月22日韦恩戴创始人,董事长,总裁和芯原控股有限公司总裁由菲尔安德森进行面试韦恩戴的创始人和芯原控股公司是一个在上海运营中心在中国的芯片设计代工厂,以及台湾,日本和硅谷的CEO在美国。该公司目前有140个工程师。戴在计算机工程系在圣克鲁斯加州大学前教授,被任命为十大风险资本支持的中国企业家之一,2005年。在这Leadercast我们发现他的公司如何处理跨文化问题,以及如何吸引和留住人才

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Sir Win Bischoff: An insider's view on the financial crisis From: INSEADofficial | 西元2010年02月22日Sir Win Bischoff provides an insiders view on the role of financial institutions during the current financial crisis. When will financial institutions regain the trust of markets and societies? He also discusses the potential role that regulation can play to ensure that a similar episode is not repeated in the futureWin Bischoff
先生:一个局内人的关于金融危机的看法来自:INSEADofficial |西元2010年02月22日Win Bischoff先生提供了一个业内人士对金融机构的作用的看法,在当前的金融危机。当将金融机构重新获得市场和社会的信任呢?他还讨论了潜在的调控作用可以发挥,以确保类似事件不会在将来重复

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How do you measure success at the top? From: INSEADofficial | 西元2010年02月02日 Perhaps at no other time in history has CEO compensation come under such scrutiny. What makes these business leaders, who are more often than not men, worth so much money?
你如何在顶部衡量成功?来自:INSEADofficial |西元2010年02月02日也许在历史上还没有其他公司首席执行官的时候了,在这种审查来补偿。是什么让这些商界领袖,谁更往往不是男人,值得这么多钱呢?

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THE GREAT DEBATE ON CLIMATE CHANGE From: INSEADofficial | 西元2010年01月22日Is Global Warming real? What do the statistics prove? And are those samestatistics really accurate? INSEAD Finance Professor Theo Vermaelen andPaul Dubrule Chaired Professor of Sustainable Development PaulKleindorfer debate the issue in the wake of Copenhagen
政府间气候变化大争来自:INSEADofficial |西元2010年01月22日全球变暖是真的吗?统计数据证明的是什么?而同样是那些数据究竟是否准确?欧洲工商管理学院金融学教授和西奥Vermaelen保罗迪布吕勒主持了可持续发展的保罗教授Kleindorfer辩论哥本哈根后的问题

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OBSERVING THE CRISIS IN HAITI: INSEAD Professors Track Quality of Response From: INSEADofficial | 西元2010年01月15日 INSEAD Professor Luk Van Wassenhove, head of INSEAD's Social Innovation Center, and Program Director Rolando Tomasini, have been monitoring the crisis in Haiti since the 7.1 earthquake struck Tuesday, including being in touch with relevant NGO's, companies, and governments who are providing aid and support to the victims and the country. In this first of several ongoing updates (taped 15 January in on campus in Fontainebleau, France), the team looks at the status of relief efforts, from the vantage point of their decade of research into humanitarian logistics.
在观察了海地危机:欧洲工商管理学院教授钢轨质量响应来自:INSEADofficial |西元2010年01月15日欧洲工商管理学院教授陆凡沃森霍夫,法国INSEAD的社会创新中心主任,项目总监罗兰多托马尼,一直有监察以来,7.1级地震袭击星期二,包括与有关的非政府组织,公司触摸正在和政府谁是提供援助和海地危机支持受害者和国家。在这几项正在进行录音1月15日在法国枫丹白露校区更新(第一),团队着眼于救济工作的现状,从他们的研究10年的高度,纳入人道主义后勤工作

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Visual equity: being front and centre increases sales From: INSEADofficial | 西元2010年01月11日 Unless youre Coca-Cola, says INSEAD Associate Marketing Professor Pierre Chandon, its important to be visible on the shelves
视觉平等:正前方和中心销售增加来自:INSEADofficial |西元2010年01月11日除非您选择可口可乐公司说,欧洲工商管理学院市场营销助理教授皮埃尔香槟,重要的是它的货架上可见

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Introducing a new Google Docs
docs.google.com | Google Docs lets you create, share, and collaborate on documents online. And it just got better with rebuilt editors for documents, spreadsheets, and drawings, designed to improve collaboration, increase speed, and create richer documents
docs.google.com |谷歌文档,您可以创建,共享和协作在线文档。它只是为得到更好的文档,电子表格编辑重建,以及图纸,旨在改善协作,提高速度,创造更丰富的文件

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