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目前分類:TEDxTalks (114)

瀏覽方式: 標題列表 簡短摘要

TEDxMIA2010.11.23---Roland Samimy :電源水
TEDxMIA - Roland Samimy - The Power of Water
Roland Samimy will present ongoing work developing marine renewable power production from tidal currents on the east coast of the US with an eye towards the holy grail: harnessing clean sustainable power from the Gulf Stream. Through his talk at TEDxMIA on November 4, 2010, he brings us to realise just how powerful water is.
About TEDx, x = independently organized event
In the spirit of ideas worth spreading, TEDx is a program of local, self-organized events that bring people together to share a TED-like experience. At a TEDx event, TEDTalks video and live speakers combine to spark deep discussion and connection in a small group. These local, self-organized events are branded TEDx, where x = independently organized TED event. The TED Conference provides general guidance for the TEDx program, but individual TEDx events are self-organized.* (*Subject to certain rules and regulations)

TEDxMIA-羅蘭 Samimy- 電源水
羅蘭 Samimy目前正在進行的工作將發展海洋可再生能源產量從潮流在美國東海岸的一對眼睛的聖杯:利用清潔的可持續的權力來自墨西哥灣流。通過他說話時 TEDxMIA11月4日,2010年,他把我們帶到知道自己有多強大的水。
關於 TEDx的中,x=獨立組織的活動
在精神理念值得推廣,TEDx是一種方案的地方,自我組織的活動,使人們共同分享的TED的體驗。在TEDx活動,TEDTalks視頻及現場演講結合,引發深入的探討和連接在一個小組。這些地方,自我組織的活動都是品牌TEDx的,其中x=獨立組織的TED事件。 TED會議提供一般指導意見 TEDx的方案,但個別 TEDx活動是自發組織.*(*待一定的規則和條例)

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TEDxDelMar2010.10.16---Jim Pinto :中印的崛起
TEDxDelMar - Jim Pinto - The Rise of Chindia
TEDx Del Mar - June 2nd, 2010: Jim Pinto on the Big Picture Future - The Rise of Chindia.
What is TEDx?
In the spirit of ideas worth spreading, TED has created a program called TEDx. TEDx is a program of local, self-organized events that bring people together to share a TED-like experience.
Our event is call TEDxDelMar, where x=independently organized TED event.
At our TEDxDelMar event, TEDTalks video and live speakers will combine to spark deep discussion and connection in a small group.
The TED Conference provides general guidance for the TEDx program, but individual TEDx events, including ours, are self-organized
TEDxDelMar吉姆 -平托-中印的崛起
TEDx的戴爾馬爾-2010年6月2日:吉姆平托在大圖未來 -中印崛起。
在精神值得推廣的理念,TED創建一個名為 TEDx的。 TEDx是一種方案的地方,自我組織的活動,使人們共同分享的TED的體驗。
我們的活動是調用 TEDxDelMar,其中x=獨立組織的TED事件。
在我們 TEDxDelMar事件,TEDTalks視頻及現場演講會結合,引發深入的探討和連接在一個小組。
TED會議提供一般指導意見 TEDx的方案,但個別 TEDx活動,包括我們,都是自行組織

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TEDxHouston2010.10.12---Dr. Rebecca Richards-Kortum :Rice 360°
TEDxHouston - Dr. Rebecca Richards-Kortum & Dr. Maria Oden
Dr. Rebecca Richards-Kortum is the Stanley C. Moore Professor of Bioengineering at Rice University. She is the Founder and Director of Rice 360°:Institute for Global Health Technologies, whose mission is to work in partnership with communities throughout the world to design and implement low-cost, high-performance technologies that prevent disease, improve health, and reduce poverty. Since 2006, 333 students in Rice 360°'s Beyond Traditional Borders initiative (BTB) have designed 40 new technologies and educational programs. These designs have been implemented in 14 countries around the world, benefiting 19,000 people. She is a fellow of the American Association for the Advancement of Science, a Fellow of the Biomedical Engineering Society and was recently inducted into the National Academy of Engineering.
Dr. Maria Oden is a Professor in the Practice of Bioengineering Education in the Department of Bioengineering at Rice University. She has over 15 years of combined academic, research, clinical experience in biomedical engineering with an emphasis in orthopaedic bioemechanics and computational modeling. Maria is also the director of Rice's Oshman Engineering Design Kitchen where she orchestrates engineering education initiatives that provide students from multiple departments in the George R. Brown School of Engineering, Wiess School of Natural Sciences, and the School of Humanities with unique hands-on design experience and opportunities to test and carry ideas to their intended point of application. Oden has inspired hundreds of students to work in design teams for completing in real world engineering design challenges.
About TEDx, x = independently organized event
In the spirit of ideas worth spreading, TEDx is a program of local, self-organized events that bring people together to share a TED-like experience. At a TEDx event, TEDTalks video and live speakers combine to spark deep discussion and connection in a small group. These local, self-organized events are branded TEDx, where x = independently organized TED event. The TED Conference provides general guidance for the TEDx program, but individual TEDx events are self-organized. (Subject to certain rules and regulations.
TEDxHouston - 博士麗貝卡理查茲 - Kortum及博士瑪麗亞奧登
理查茲博士麗貝卡 - Kortum赤柱三是穆爾教授萊斯大學生物工程系。她是創辦人及董事水稻360 °:全球衛生技術研究所,其任務是要與社區建立夥伴關係在世界各地設計和實施低成本,高性能的技術,預防疾病,增進健康,並減少貧困。自2006年以來,水稻333學生 360 °的超越傳統國界的倡議(背靠背)設計了40項新技術和教育方案。這些設計已實施 14個國家在世界各地,惠及19000人。她是一位資深的美國協會的科學進步,一個傢伙的生物醫學工程學會,最近入選國家工程院院士。
瑪麗亞博士奧登是一個在實踐中教授生物工程教育的生物工程系在萊斯大學。她有超過 15年的聯合學術,科研,臨床經驗在生物醫學工程,重點在骨科bioemechanics和計算模型。瑪麗亞也是導演賴斯的Oshman工程設計廚房,她編排的工程教育活動,提供學生從多個部門在喬治布朗學院的工程,威斯學院自然科學,人文學院和獨特實用的設計經驗和機會,以測試他們的想法和打算進行點中的應用。奧登激發了數百名學生在設計團隊的工作在現實世界中完成工程設計挑戰。
關於 TEDx的中,x =獨立組織的活動
在精神理念值得推廣,TEDx是一種方案的地方,自我組織的活動,使人們共同分享的TED的體驗。在TEDx活動,TEDTalks視頻及現場演講結合,引發深入的探討和連接在一個小組。這些地方,自我組織的活動都是品牌TEDx的,其中x =獨立組織的TED事件。 TED會議提供一般指導意見 TEDx的方案,但個別 TEDx活動是自發組織的。 (根據一定的規則和條例。)

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TEDxHouston2010.10.6---Gracie Cavnar :RFS預防肥胖
TEDxHouston - Gracie Cavnar
Gracie Cavnar, President & CEO Recipe for Success Foundation, believes that you can do anything you put your mind to, and she's spent a lifetime proving it. Forever curious, afflicted with the perfectionist gene, and easily bored, her professional life ranges from runway fashion and across a broad landscape of creativity—architect, hospitality executive and consultant, caterer, event planner, public relations wiz, marketing rainmaker, and widely read feature writer—one career leading seamlessly to another over thirty years. Once Gracie learned about the widespread epidemic of childhood obesity, she adjusted her energies to obesity prevention through nutrition education. She spent years researching best practices around the world before launching Recipe for Success Foundation (RFS) in 2005. After just five years on the ground, RFS is the largest initiative of its kind in the country and has attracted attention from many activists, the White House and national press.
About TEDx, x = independently organized event
In the spirit of ideas worth spreading, TEDx is a program of local, self-organized events that bring people together to share a TED-like experience. At a TEDx event, TEDTalks video and live speakers combine to spark deep discussion and connection in a small group. These local, self-organized events are branded TEDx, where x = independently organized TED event. The TED Conference provides general guidance for the TEDx program, but individual TEDx events are self-organized. (Subject to certain rules and regulations.)

格雷西Cavnar,總裁兼首席執行官方成功的基礎,相信你可以做任何事情你把你的心,她的一生證明它花了。永遠好奇,患有基因的完美主義者,容易厭倦,她的職業生涯從跑道範圍在廣泛的時尚和創意景觀,建築,酒店的行政和顧問,餐飲供應,活動策劃,公關行家,營銷潤美,並廣泛閱讀功能作家一條職業領先無縫另一個超過三十年。格雷西一旦了解了兒童肥胖流行廣泛,她調整了她的精力通過營養教育,預防肥胖。她花了幾年時間研究世界各地的最佳做法,推出前方成功的基礎(RFS)的於 2005年。經過短短五年的地面上,RFS是最大的倡議在全國同類型,並吸引了許多積極分子的關注,白宮和國家出版社。
關於 TEDx的中,x=獨立組織的活動
在精神理念值得推廣,TEDx是一種方案的地方,自我組織的活動,使人們共同分享的TED的體驗。在TEDx活動,TEDTalks視頻及現場演講結合,引發深入的探討和連接在一個小組。這些地方,自我組織的活動都是品牌TEDx的,其中x=獨立組織的TED事件。 TED會議提供一般指導意見 TEDx的方案,但個別 TEDx活動是自發組織的。 (根據一定的規則和條例。)

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TEDFellowsTalks2010.12.21---Manu Prakash :揭开生命的秘密
Manu Prakash -- Unraveling the Secrets of Life with Bubbles
In his talk, TED2010 Fellow and physicist Manu Prakash shows us how computation controls information and material through the project, Bubble Logic, using microfluidic bubbles and water to imitate computer circuitry

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TEDFellowsTalks2010.11.2---Angelo Vermeulen :活电脑
Angelo Vermeulen -- Biomodd: A Living Computer
TED Fellow 2010 Angelo Vermeulen explains the wonders and complexities of his extraordinary project Biomodd - a computer system with a living ecosystem inside of it.


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TEDFellowsTalks2010.9.17---Rachel Armstrong :创造碳负极架构
Rachel Armstrong -- Creating carbon negative architecture
TEDGlobal 2009 Fellow Rachel Armstrong shows us a revolutionary approach to fight climate change -- a way to make a building without emitting pollutants and instead captures and stores carbon dioxide

雷切尔阿姆斯特朗- 创造碳负极架构TEDGlobal2009研究员雷切尔阿姆斯特朗向我们展示了革命性的方法来应对气候变化 -一种方法,使不排放污染物,而是捕捉和存储二氧化碳的建设

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TEDFellowsTalks2010.9.16---Sean Gourley :战争的数学
Sean Gourley on the mathematics of war
TED2009 Fellow Sean Gourley uses raw data and mathematical computations to predict the fatality and frequency of attacks during war.


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TEDFellowsTalks2010.9.1---Alexander Petroff :在刚果建立可持续村
Alexander Petroff -- Building a sustainable village in the Congo
2009 TEDGlobal and Senior Fellow Alexander Petroff, founder of Working Villages International, talks about his work to build a self-sufficient and environmentally sustainable village in war-torn Eastern Congo.
A huge thanks to IBM UK for supporting the 2009 TEDGlobal Fellows.

亚历山大佩特罗夫- 建立在刚果可持续村
2009 TEDGlobal高级研究员亚历山大佩特罗夫,国际乡村工作,对他的工作建立在饱受战争蹂躏的刚果东部自给自足和环境可持续的乡村会谈的创始人。

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TEDxVienna2010.12.21---Gregoire Cosendai :恢復視覺的盲人
TEDxVienna - Gregoire Cosendai - Restoring Vision to the Blind
Gregoire Cosendai, Electrical Engineer from Swiss Federal Institute of Technology, Lausanne, PhD on artificial hearing with electrical stimulation of the auditory nerve. 15 years of experience in neurostimulation in hearing, musculoskeletal and vision. Currently European director for Second Sight Medical Products, who is launching the first retinal implant to restore vision to the blind.
Alongside publishing scientific papers in reviewed journals, he also is the founder of the first student radio in Switzerland, creator of a landmines awareness project for 6000 youngsters worldwide and has established a welfare project for homeless in Geneva, Switzerland. Mr. Cosendai has given a great number of scientific presentations in international meetings such as the International Functional Stimulation Society in Maroochydoore, Australia or the Neural Prosthesis Workshop organized by the National Institute of Health, Bethesda, Maryland.
In the spirit of ideas worth spreading, TED has created a program called TEDx. TEDx is a program of local, self-organized events that bring people together to share a TED-like experience. Our event is called TEDxVienna, where x = independently organized TED event. At our TEDxVienna event, TEDTalks video and live speakers will combine to spark deep discussion and connection in a small group. The TED Conference provides general guidance for the TEDx program, but individual TEDx events, including ours, are self-organized.

TEDxVienna-格雷瓜爾 Cosendai- 恢復視覺的盲人
格雷瓜爾 Cosendai,電氣工程師來自瑞士聯邦理工學院,洛桑,聽力博士人工電刺激聽覺神經。 15年的經驗,在神經刺激聽覺,肌肉骨骼和遠見。目前,歐洲第二視力主任醫療產品,誰是第一個推出視網膜植入恢復視力的盲人。
在精神值得推廣的理念,TED創建一個名為 TEDx的。 TEDx是一種方案的地方,自我組織的活動,使人們共同分享的TED的體驗。我們的事件稱為 TEDxVienna,其中x=獨立組織的TED事件。在我們 TEDxVienna事件,TEDTalks視頻及現場演講會結合,引發深入的探討和連接在一個小組。 TED會議提供一般指導意見 TEDx的方案,但個別 TEDx活動,包括我們,都是自發組織的

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TEDxJakarta2010.11.1---Dr. Nurul Taufiqu Rochman :印尼納米技術
TEDxJakarta- Dr. Nurul Taufiqu Rochman - Indonesia From A Nanotechnology Perspective
Dr. Nurul Taufiqu Rochman is a scientist who is passionate about things moving at the smallest matter where possibilities are endless. Something that is strange and unfamiliar to most people, nanotechnology has always been Dr. Nurul's obsession in life. At the age of 40, he owns over 10 patents and copyright both here in Indonesia and in Japan, has won 17 awards, including The Best Innovation and The Best Idea in Business Award from SWA magazine in 2005 and The Best Young Scientists from the Indonesian Institute of Sciences (LIPI) in 2004, wrote 62 research papers for international publications, and he is currently the Chairman of the Indonesian Society for Nano since 2005.
After years being in Japan for working and doing undergraduate, graduate, and PhD studies on material science and production engineering, Dr. Nurul felt the calling of returning to his home country and contribute to Indonesia's development while holding the belief that nanotechnology is the key to unlocking Indonesia's rich treasure and bright future. Passion for innovation-driven national development and strong faith in Indonesia become the driving force for his continued research, practices, and dissemination of knowledge in the field of nanotechnology.
About TEDx, x = independently organized event
In the spirit of ideas worth spreading, TEDx is a program of local, self-organized events that bring people together to share a TED-like experience. At a TEDx event, TEDTalks video and live speakers combine to spark deep discussion and connection in a small group. These local, self-organized events are branded TEDx, where x = independently organized TED event. The TED Conference provides general guidance for the TEDx program, but individual TEDx events are self-organized. (Subject to certain rules and regulations.)
TEDxJakarta-博士Nurul Taufiqu Rochman- 印尼從納米技術的視角
Nurul Taufiqu Rochman博士是一位科學家是誰熱衷的事以最小無論身在何處的可能性是無窮無盡的。東西是陌生和不熟悉的對大多數人來說,納米技術一直是博士Nurul的痴迷在生活中。在年齡40歲,他擁有超過10項專利和版權都在這裡在印度尼西亞和日本,贏得了17個獎項,包括最佳創新及最佳創意獎西南鋁在商業雜誌在2005年和最佳青年科學家從印度尼西亞科學院(理脾)2004年,寫了62篇研究論文的國際刊物,他是目前協會主席,印度尼西亞納米自2005年以來。
關於 TEDx的中,x=獨立組織的活動
在精神理念值得推廣,TEDx是一種方案的地方,自我組織的活動,使人們共同分享的TED的體驗。在TEDx活動,TEDTalks視頻及現場演講結合,引發深入的探討和連接在一個小組。這些地方,自我組織的活動都是品牌TEDx的,其中x=獨立組織的TED事件。 TED會議提供一般指導意見 TEDx的方案,但個別 TEDx活動是自發組織的。 (根據一定的規則和條例。)

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TEDxCharlotte2010.10.14---Tim Will :如何避免迫在眉睫的糧食危機
TEDxCharlotte 2010 - Tim Will
How to Avoid the Looming Food Crisis
//video of TEDxCharlotte talks produced by CLT Blog & WTVI
TEDxCharlotte2010 -蒂姆會
/ /視頻 TEDxCharlotte會談產生的文化部門部落格與 WTVI

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TEDxCharlotte2010.10.14---Doc Hendley :普通的電源
TEDxCharlotte - Doc Hendley
The Power of Ordinary
//video of TEDxCharlotte talks produced by CLT Blog & WTVI
/ /視頻 TEDxCharlotte會談產生的文化部門部落格與 WTVI

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TEDxCharlotte2010.10.13---Irina Ly :我們可以借鑒寓言
TEDxCharlotte 2010 - Irina Ly
What We Can Learn From Fables
//video of TEDxCharlotte talks produced by CLT Blog & WTVI
TEDxCharlotte2010 -伊琳娜阮文黎
/ /視頻 TEDxCharlotte會談產生的文化部門部落格與 WTVI

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TEDxTriangle NC 2010.12.19---Hugh Hollowell :可以改變世界的關係
TEDxTriangle NC - Hugh Hollowell - Relationships Can Change the World
Hugh runs Love Wins Ministries, which shares unconditional love and friendship with the homeless and poor population of Raleigh, North Carolina. They focus on relationships, not outcomes. Their goal is to build relationships that cross cultures and societal barriers and to learn to love each other in accordance with their particularly hopeful interpretation of the teachings of Jesus. It is as simple - and as difficult - as that. They believe that no one is beyond love.
bout TEDx, x = independently organized event
In the spirit of ideas worth spreading, TEDx is a program of local, self-organized events that bring people together to share a TED-like experience. At a TEDx event, TEDTalks video and live speakers combine to spark deep discussion and connection in a small group. These local, self-organized events are branded TEDx, where x = independently organized TED event. The TED Conference provides general guidance for the TEDx program, but individual TEDx events are self-organized. (Subject to certain rules and regulations.)

TEDxTriangle數控- 休霍洛韋爾-可以改變世界的關係
愛勝休運行部,這股無條件的愛和友誼的無家可歸者和貧困人口的羅利,北卡羅萊納州。他們專注於關係,而不是結果。他們的目標是要建立關係,跨文化和社會障礙,並學習彼此相愛按照他們特別希望解釋耶穌的教誨。就是這麼簡單- 和困難 -因為這。他們認為,沒有人是超越的愛。
在精神理念值得推廣,TEDx是一種方案的地方,自我組織的活動,使人們共同分享的TED的體驗。在TEDx活動,TEDTalks視頻及現場演講結合,引發深入的探討和連接在一個小組。這些地方,自我組織的活動都是品牌TEDx的,其中x=獨立組織的TED事件。 TED會議提供一般指導意見 TEDx的方案,但個別 TEDx活動是自發組織的。 (根據一定的規則和條例。)

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TEDxNASA2010.11.22---Frans Johansson :未來是多樣的,意外的
TEDxNASA - Frans Johansson - The Future is Diverse and Unexpected
His mission is to connect diverse people and ideas across the world for
one single purpose -- to change it. Author of the bestseller, The Medici
Effect, Frans Johansson advocates collaboration between people with
diverse experiences, skills, expertise, perspectives, backgrounds and
cultures. He breaks down silos and leverages diversity to promote the
best ideas. Via the book, he takes readers on a fascinating journey to
the Intersection -- a place where ideas collide, igniting an explosion of
innovation. Out of these seemingly random combinations have come
groundbreaking ideas that have created whole new fields. His Medici
Group guides individuals, teams and organizations to generate an
incredible number of ideas and turn the best ones into groundbreaking
About TEDx, x = independently organized event
In the spirit of ideas worth spreading, TEDx is a program of local, self-organized events that bring people together to share a TED-like experience. At a TEDx event, TEDTalks video and live speakers combine to spark deep discussion and connection in a small group. These local, self-organized events are branded TEDx, where x = independently organized TED event. The TED Conference provides general guidance for the TEDx program, but individual TEDx events are self-organized.* (*Subject to certain rules and regulations)

TEDxNASA-弗蘭斯約翰松- 未來是多樣的,意外的
一個單一的目的 -改變它。作者的暢銷書,第奇
在十字路口 -思想碰撞的地方,點燃一爆炸
關於 TEDx的中,x=獨立組織的活動
在精神理念值得推廣,TEDx是一種方案的地方,自我組織的活動,使人們共同分享的TED的體驗。在TEDx活動,TEDTalks視頻及現場演講結合,引發深入的探討和連接在一個小組。這些地方,自我組織的活動都是品牌TEDx的,其中x=獨立組織的TED事件。 TED會議提供一般指導意見 TEDx的方案,但個別 TEDx活動是自發組織.*(*待一定的規則和條例)

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TEDxNASA2010.11.22---Jim Green :彗星相遇
TEDxNASA - Jim Green - Comet Encounter
All systems are go for a close encounter with one of the smallest yet
most active comets known. And it will be happening coincident with Dr.
James L. Green's presentation. He is director of the Planetary Science
Division at NASA Headquarters in Washington D.C. NASA's Deep
Impact spacecraft is hurtling toward Comet Hartley 2 for a breathtaking
700-kilometer flyby Nov. 4. This will be only the fifth time a spacecraft
has flown close enough to a comet to snap pictures of its nucleus. Dr.
Green will explain how significant this flyby is. He started his NASA
career at Marshall Space Flight Center in Huntsville, Ala. Thereafter he
was named to positions of escalating responsibility as he led NASA's
National Space Science Data Center, Space Science Data Operations
Office, Science Proposal Support Office and, in 2006, assumed his
current role.
About TEDx, x = independently organized event
In the spirit of ideas worth spreading, TEDx is a program of local, self-organized events that bring people together to share a TED-like experience. At a TEDx event, TEDTalks video and live speakers combine to spark deep discussion and connection in a small group. These local, self-organized events are branded TEDx, where x = independently organized TED event. The TED Conference provides general guidance for the TEDx program, but individual TEDx events are self-organized.* (*Subject to certain rules and regulations)
TEDxNASA- 吉姆綠色 -彗星相遇
關於 TEDx的中,x=獨立組織的活動
在精神理念值得推廣,TEDx是一種方案的地方,自我組織的活動,使人們共同分享的TED的體驗。在TEDx活動,TEDTalks視頻及現場演講結合,引發深入的探討和連接在一個小組。這些地方,自我組織的活動都是品牌TEDx的,其中x=獨立組織的TED事件。 TED會議提供一般指導意見 TEDx的方案,但個別 TEDx活動是自發組織.*(*待一定的規則和條例)

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TEDxNASA 2010.11.22---Daniel Burrus :見隱形解不可能解決的問題
TEDxNASA - Daniel Burrus - Seeing Invisible Solutions to Impossible Problems
He is convinced -- technological, social and business forces are
converging to create enormous untapped opportunities. In 1983,
Daniel Burrus was the first and only futurist to accurately identify the
20 technologies that would become the driving forces of business and
economic change. He has continued to hold a worldwide reputation for his
exceptional record for predicting the future of technological change and
its impact on the business world. He has authored six books, including
the international best seller Technotrends, and his newest book, Flash
Foresight: How To See the Invisible and Do the Impossible. The New York
Times has called Burrus one of America's top three business "gurus."
About TEDx, x = independently organized event
In the spirit of ideas worth spreading, TEDx is a program of local, self-organized events that bring people together to share a TED-like experience. At a TEDx event, TEDTalks video and live speakers combine to spark deep discussion and connection in a small group. These local, self-organized events are branded TEDx, where x = independently organized TED event. The TED Conference provides general guidance for the TEDx program, but individual TEDx events are self-organized.* (*Subject to certain rules and regulations)
TEDxNASA- 丹尼爾伯勒斯- 看見隱形解不可能解決的問題
匯聚成創造出巨大的尚未開發的商機。 1983年,
國際暢銷書 Technotrends,他的最新著作,閃光
關於 TEDx的中,x=獨立組織的活動
在精神理念值得推廣,TEDx是一種方案的地方,自我組織的活動,使人們共同分享的TED的體驗。在TEDx活動,TEDTalks視頻及現場演講結合,引發深入的探討和連接在一個小組。這些地方,自我組織的活動都是品牌TEDx的,其中x=獨立組織的TED事件。 TED會議提供一般指導意見 TEDx的方案,但個別 TEDx活動是自發組織.*(*待一定的規則和條例)

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TEDxNASA 2010.11.22---Andrew Shatte :什麼是重要一頁- 連接!
TEDxNASA - Andrew Shatte - What Matters Next - Connection!
Resilience -- the ability to "bounce back" -- is a critical competency for
success at work, for happiness at home and for balancing the two. Dr.
Andrew Shatte is the Vice President of Research and Development at
Adaptiv Learning Systems and the architect of Adaptiv's resilience training
programs. He has devoted his career to understanding the psychological
aspects of motivation and resilience and to developing programs to
optimize human performance in a wide array of arenas -- in the workplace,
in health, in academics and in sports. Co-author of The Resilience
Factor. Dr. Shatte is a highly acclaimed teacher, selected University of
Pennsylvania's Best Professor in Social Sciences in 2004 and the recipient
of the Dean's Award for Distinguished Teaching in 2006.
About TEDx, x = independently organized event
In the spirit of ideas worth spreading, TEDx is a program of local, self-organized events that bring people together to share a TED-like experience. At a TEDx event, TEDTalks video and live speakers combine to spark deep discussion and connection in a small group. These local, self-organized events are branded TEDx, where x = independently organized TED event. The TED Conference provides general guidance for the TEDx program, but individual TEDx events are self-organized.* (*Subject to certain rules and regulations)
TEDxNASA- 安德魯 Shatte-什麼是重要一頁- 連接!
抗災能力- 能夠“反彈“ -是一個關鍵的能力
安德魯 Shatte是副總統的研究和開發
賓夕法尼亞州的最佳教授於 2004年在社會科學和收件人
關於 TEDx的中,x=獨立組織的活動
在精神理念值得推廣,TEDx是一種方案的地方,自我組織的活動,使人們共同分享的TED的體驗。在TEDx活動,TEDTalks視頻及現場演講結合,引發深入的探討和連接在一個小組。這些地方,自我組織的活動都是品牌TEDx的,其中x=獨立組織的TED事件。 TED會議提供一般指導意見 TEDx的方案,但個別 TEDx活動是自發組織.*(*待一定的規則和條例)

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