Small Science With a Big Future: Breakthroughs in Nanotechnology October 22, 2010 - Stanford professor Kathryn Moler lectures on nanotechnology and the opportunities for innovation it provides. She discusses its use in building organic solar cells as well as its potential to improve medical care. This lecture was part of the "Classes Without Quizzes" series during the 2010 Reunion Homecoming Weekend at Stanford University. This weekend was sponsored by the Stanford Alumni Association and featured many lectures and opportunities for alumni to enjoy the resources of Stanford. 小科學與大未來:納米技術的突破 二○一○年十月二十二日 - 斯坦福大學教授凱瑟琳莫勒講授納米技術和創新的機會提供。她討論了在建立其使用有機太陽能電池,以及它的潛力,改善醫療服務。 這個講座是部分“類沒有測驗”系列在2010年校友重聚週末在美國斯坦福大學。本週末,由斯坦福大學贊助校友會和特色許多校友講座和機會享受資源斯坦福大學 中文翻譯字幕 ==> 影片右下角三角形選單=> 關閉原文字幕cc =>原文字幕操作caption actions => 轉錄音軌內容Transcribe audio=> 翻譯原文字幕Transcribe
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- Dec 05 Sun 2010 04:33
StanfordUniversity2010.12.3---Kathryn Moler:納米技術的突破