Poptech2011.1.3---Lisa Gansky:未來共享
Lisa Gansky: The Future is Sharing
Technology entrepreneur Lisa Gansky believes that the growing ubiquity of networked information and relationships are leading to what she calls a "mesh" economy of shared services and products. This "meshiness" not only rewards sharing over ownership, but it is also fundamentally changing our relationship with things from product to experience.
麗莎 Gansky:未來共享
麗莎 Gansky科技企業家認為,日益普及的網絡信息和關係是導致她所說的“網狀“經濟共享服務和產品。這種“meshiness“不僅獎勵分享的所有權,但它也從根本上改變我們的關係,從產品到的事物的經驗。