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Drug May Prevent Diabetes in High-Risk People
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Almost 80 million Americans have prediabetes. But a recent study completed in Texas
found a drug already on shelves could delay the development full blown type 2 diabetes. For those at risk, the drug commonly known as Actos may even prevent the disease all together.
"The San Antonio scientist who led the study calls it a 'blockbuster.' A pill taken once a day prevented type two diabetes in more than 70% of people whose background and body type put them at highest risk for the disease."
"It's enormous. It's the most impressive study ever done shown to prevent diabetes in the world."
"If you delay for five or ten years the onset of diabetes, more importantly if you can stop it, then of course this has enormous benefit." (KENS)
The study was released in The New England Journal of Medicine - and was partially funded by the maker of the drug. Despite optimistic study results, not everyone is so supportive. Forbes' Matthew Herper highlights concerns.
"...patients on Actos were significantly more likely to have side effects, including fluid buildup and weight gain. There were a few more heart problems, and three deaths in the Actos group compared to one in the placebo group. That doesn't mean Actos was costing lives, but it was not saving them."
Time points out Actos doesn't seem to present the same risks as another drug in the anti-diabetes family -- Avandia -- which was heavily restricted by the FDA last year due to heart attack and stroke risks.
"...doctors continue to reserve drug-based treatments of pre-diabetes only for only those patients who have tried and failed to control their escalating blood sugar with non-pharmaceutical methods, such as diet and exercise."
That's a long way of saying - for those at risk of Type 2 diabetes - it's still better to exercise and change diet.
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Transcript by Newsy.

“聖安東尼誰領導這項研究的科學家稱這是'重磅炸彈。'藥丸一天服用一次預防型兩種糖尿病超過 70%的人的背景及體型把他們最危險的疾病。“
“如果你拖延了五十年的糖尿病的發生,更重要的是,如果你可以阻止它,那麼這當然有很大的好處。” (肯斯)
這項研究發表在新英格蘭醫學雜誌 - 並部分資金由出票人的藥物。儘管樂觀的研究結果,並不是每個人都非常支持。福布斯馬修 Herper突出問題。
時指出的Actos似乎沒有呈現相同的風險,另一種藥物在抗糖尿病家族史 - 迪雅 - 這是嚴重限制了美國食品藥品管理局去年因心髒病發作和中風的風險。
這是一個漫長的說法: - 對那些在2型糖尿病的危險 - 它仍然是更好地鍛煉和改變飲食習慣。
成績單 Newsy。

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