目前分類:未分類文章 (2009)
- Nov 17 Wed 2010 05:20
- Nov 16 Tue 2010 04:36
- Nov 13 Sat 2010 04:45
- Nov 12 Fri 2010 07:19
Poptech2010.9.24---Aydogan Ozcan: 移動顯微鏡
Poptech2010.9.24---Aydogan Ozcan: 移動顯微鏡
Aydogan Ozcan: mobile Microscopes
UCLA professor Aydogan Ozcan has discovered how to convert cellphones in microscopes by relying on shadow imaging instead of expensive optics. In time, the ability to conduct tests and detect infectious diseases by leveraging mobile technologies in resource-poor settings could transform public health.
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- Nov 12 Fri 2010 07:19
Poptech2010.9.8---Mike Wesch: 吸取自 YouTube
Poptech2010.9.8---Mike Wesch: 吸取自 YouTube
Mike Wesch: Lessons From YouTube
Cultural anthropologist Mike Wesch studies YouTube and how social media is transforming how we communicate. The Kansas State University professor says social media has made us far more connected. His research on YouTube also reveals a media landscape that is fostering new forms of community and collective action.
邁克 Wesch:吸取來自 YouTube
文化人類學家邁克 Wesch研究YouTube和社交媒體是如何改變了我們溝通。堪薩斯州立大學教授表示,社會媒體,使我們更多的連接。他的研究還揭示了在YouTube上的媒體景觀,是培育新的形式的社會和集體的行動。
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- Nov 12 Fri 2010 07:18
Poptech2010.7.29---Kurt Anderson: 更新美國
Poptech2010.7.29---Kurt Anderson: 更新美國
Kurt Anderson: Renewing America
Kurt Andersen, best-selling author and host of the radio program Studio 360, has turned his unflagging curiosity to the current economic crisis. He believes it is an opportunity to get the nation back on track. Part of the answer, Andersen suggests, lies in reconnecting to the amateur spirit that first helped create America
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- Nov 12 Fri 2010 07:17
Poptech2010.7.19---Yasser Ansari: 網絡生物
Poptech2010.7.19---Yasser Ansari: 網絡生物
Yasser Ansari: Networked Organisms
Yasser Ansari, self-described bio geek-turned-telecom nerd, wants to help boost eco-literacy. To do so, he has created Noah, an online platform and mobile application that allows "curious naturalists" to contribute to ongoing scientific research through data collection and documentation efforts
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- Nov 12 Fri 2010 07:16
Poptech2010.7.16---Justin Gallivan: 黑客細菌
Poptech2010.7.16---Justin Gallivan: 黑客細菌
Justin Gallivan: Hacking Bacteria
Justin Gallivan is an Emory University chemist who explores the boundaries of biology by engineering bacteria to behave in predictable ways. Gallivan's research on reprogrammable bacteria has important implications for complex challenges such as the need to track and clean up environmental pollutants
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- Nov 12 Fri 2010 07:16
Poptech2010.7.16---Beth Shapiro: 物種滅絕
Poptech2010.7.16---Beth Shapiro: 物種滅絕
Beth Shapiro: Species Extinction
What makes species go extinct? Evolutionary biologist Beth Shapiro explores the influences of climate and humans in determining species extinction. By analyzing the genes of ancient plants and animals, she traces the complex relationship between environment and the extinction and evolution of species.
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- Nov 12 Fri 2010 07:15
Poptech2010.7.13---John Fetterman: 振興布拉多克鎮
Poptech2010.7.13---John Fetterman: 振興布拉多克鎮
John Fetterman: Reviving Braddock
Braddock, Pennsylvania Mayor John Fetterman is fighting for the future of his rust belt town's future. Braddock has lost ninety percent of its buildings and most of its population. Yet Fetterman's ambitious plans include repurposing abandoned lots and fostering numerous arts and community initiatives.
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- Nov 12 Fri 2010 07:14
Poptech2010.7.7---Jay Rogers: 開源你車
Poptech2010.7.7---Jay Rogers: 開源你車
Jay Rogers: Open Source Your Car
Jay Rogers is revolutionizing the automobile industry. The former U.S. Marine and co-founder of Local Motors has created the world's first crowdsourced car. Rogers believes that making car production local - and personal - holds the key to fostering a sustainable car culture that also tackles our dependence on oil.
周杰倫羅傑斯是革命性的汽車產業。前美國海洋和創始人之一的地方汽車公司創造了世界上第一個 crowdsourced車。羅傑斯認為,當地的汽車生產製造 - 與個人 - 保存的關鍵,促進可持續發展的汽車文化,也解決對石油的依賴
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- Nov 12 Fri 2010 07:13
Poptech2010.6.22---Massoud Amin: 智能電網
Poptech2010.6.22---Massoud Amin: 智能電網
Massoud Amin: A Smart Grid
Massoud Amin wants to make our energy infrastructure more sustainable and secure. The complex systems researcher from the University of Minnesota believes this requires networking energy into a "smart" grid that incorporates alternative energy. This will provide national as well as environmental and financial security.
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- Nov 12 Fri 2010 07:13
Poptech2010.6.14---Dan Ariely: 非理性經濟學
Poptech2010.6.14---Dan Ariely: 非理性經濟學
Dan Ariely: Irrational Economics
MIT professor Dan Ariely believes that the starting point for making better decisions, particularly with financial matters, requires understanding the impulse to act irrationally. At PopTech 2009, Ariely discussed an excerpt from his new book, The Upside of Irrationality, about the role of emotions in the workplace.
麻省理工學院教授丹阿雷利認為,出發點作出更好的決策,特別是財政問題,需要理解非理性的衝動行為。在PopTech 2009年,阿雷利討論摘錄從他的新書,好處的非理性,情感的角色,在工作場所。
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- Nov 12 Fri 2010 07:12
Poptech2010.6.14---Rinku Sen: 司法定位
Poptech2010.6.14---Rinku Sen: 司法定位
Rinku Sen: Locating Justice
Rinku Sen, president and executive director of the Applied Research Center, is devoted to creating a more inclusive America. If we're willing to be explicit about the ways racism works around us, Sen says, we can create the society we all want to live in. Sen also publishes the ColorLines, a magazine on race and politics.
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- Nov 12 Fri 2010 07:11
Poptech2010.6.14---Laura Kurgan: 測繪正義
Poptech2010.6.14---Laura Kurgan: 測繪正義
Laura Kurgan: Mapping Justice
At the PopTech Chicago 2010 Salon event, Laura Kurgan, director of the Spatial Information Design Lab, presents data illustrating the relationship between incarceration rates, financial expenditures, and neighborhoods-- block by block. This new perspective provides shocking insight into how to re-envision community investment
2010年在芝加哥PopTech沙龍活動,勞拉庫爾幹,主任,空間信息設計實驗室,提出數據說明了監禁率之間的關係,財政支出和街道 - 一塊塊。這一新的角度提供了令人震驚的深入了解,重新設想社區投資
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- Nov 12 Fri 2010 07:11
Poptech2010.4.28---Assaf Biderman: 有情城市
Poptech2010.4.28---Assaf Biderman: 有情城市
Assaf Biderman: Sentient Cities
Assaf Biderman is the Associate Director of the SENSEable City Laboratory, an MIT university research group that explores the real-time city by studying how distributed technologies can be used to improve our understanding of cities and create a more sustainable ways of interacting in urban environments.
阿薩夫 Biderman:有情城市
阿薩夫 Biderman是副主任SENSEable城實驗室,麻省理工學院研究小組,探討了實時的城市,研究如何分配技術可以被用來改善我們的理解城市,創造一個更加可持續的方式在城市環境中的相互作用。
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- Nov 12 Fri 2010 07:10
Poptech2010.4.20---Chris Jordan: 塑料污染
Poptech2010.4.20---Chris Jordan: 塑料污染
Chris Jordan: Polluting Plastics
Photographer Chris Jordan specializes in large-scale works that depict the magnitude of our consumerism and its impact on our environment. In one of the most emotional presentations at PopTech 2009, Jordan shares heart-wrenching images of birds killed by ingesting plastics that increasingly pollute our oceans
攝影師克里斯約旦專門從事大規模的作品,描繪了我們的消費規模及其對我們的環境。在一個最激動人心的演講在PopTech 2009年,約旦股痛心圖像攝取殺害的鳥類越來越多塑料,我們的海洋污染
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- Nov 12 Fri 2010 07:09
Poptech2010.4.9---Reihan Salam: 新保守主義
Poptech2010.4.9---Reihan Salam: 新保守主義
Reihan Salam: New Conservatism
Reihan Salam, a fellow at the New America Foundation, writes on politics, culture, and technology. At PopTech 2009, Salam argues that America has been growing steadily more diverse, and divided by massive inequalities, a trend that will lead the country down a path of increasing social conservatism. Salam is also co-author of Grand New Party: How Conservatives Can Win the Working Class and Save the American Dream
Reihan薩拉姆,一個傢伙在新美國基金會,寫在政治,文化和技術。在PopTech 2009年,薩拉姆認為,美國一直穩步增長更多元化,除以巨大的不平等,這種趨勢將導致該國的道路向下增加社會保守主義。薩拉姆也合著的大新黨:如何保守黨能夠贏得工人階級和挽救美國夢
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- Nov 12 Fri 2010 07:08
Poptech2010.3.19---Dean Ornish: 健康連接
Poptech2010.3.19---Dean Ornish: 健康連接
Dean Ornish: Healthy Connections
For more than thirty years, Dr. Dean Ornish has demonstrated the power of a healthy lifestyle as the best kind of preventive care. These choices, Ornish reveals, can "turn on disease-preventing genes and turn off genes that promote illness. Dr. Ornish has published a number of best-selling books on the subject; the most recent is The Spectrum
院長 Ornish:健康連接
在超過三十年,院長 Ornish博士展示了權力的健康生活方式,最好的一種預防性的照顧。這些選擇,Ornish揭示,可以“打開疾病的預防和關閉基因的基因,促進疾病。Ornish博士發表了數最暢銷的書籍關於這個問題,最近期的是該譜
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- Nov 12 Fri 2010 07:07
Poptech2010.3.17---James Fowler : 社交網絡
Poptech2010.3.17---James Fowler : 社交網絡
James Fowler: Power of Networks
Can your social network make you fat? Affect your mood? Political scientist James H. Fowler reveals the dynamics of social networks, the invisible webs that connect each of us to the other. With Nicholas A. Christakis, Fowler recently coauthored, Connected: The Surprising Power of Our Social Networks and How They Shape Our Lives.
你的社交網絡可以使你發胖?影響你的情緒?政治學家詹姆斯H ·福勒揭示了動態的社會網絡,無形的網,連接我們每個人不一樣。隨著尼古拉斯答克里斯塔,福勒最近合著,已連接:神奇的力量,我國社會網絡和操作它們塑造我們的生活。
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