Peter Sanfey on Can the Balkans recover from the Economic Crisis?
About the Event:
This address was on the economic crisis and its effect on the Balkans in terms of stability, economic growth and accession. Mr. Sanfey also discussed the themes of the Transition Report of the EBRD, due to be released on the 17th, and how they relate to Balkan countries.
About the Speaker:
Peter Sanfey is a Lead Economist in the Office of the Chief Economist, European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD), London. He has worked extensively on south-eastern Europe, with a focus on the western Balkans, and he was the lead author of a 2004 EBRD publication: Spotlight on South-Eastern Europe: an Overview of Private Sector Activity and Investment. He is also an editor of the annual EBRD Transition Report and the EBRD Working Paper series. He graduated from Trinity College Dublin in 1985 with a B.A. (first class honours) in Economics, and received his Ph.D. in Economics from Yale University in 1992. He was a lecturer in economics at the University of Kent at Canterbury from 1992-97, before joining the EBRD in October 1997. His main research interests are in the fields of macroeconomics, labour economics and economies in transition, and he has published many articles on these topics in international academic journals.
该地址是在经济危机及其对巴尔干地区稳定的影响,经济增长和加入条件。 Sanfey先生还讨论了欧洲复兴开发银行转型报告的主题,将于17日获释,它们与巴尔干国家。
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- Dec 12 Sun 2010 06:10
IIEA2010.11.26---Peter Sanfey :巴尔干地区能否摆脱经济危机?