Professor John Mitchell on The Climate Change Debate - New Scientific Perspectives
About the Speaker:
Professor Mitchell is one of the UK's most eminent climatologists and Principal Research Fellow at the Hadley Centre, UK Met Office. Prior to this appointment, he was Chief Scientist in the Met Office from 2002-2006. and Director of Climate Science from 2006-2010. In a career spanning over thirty years, Professor Mitchell has contributed to research on climate modelling and has participated in all four IPCC Assessment Reports. He has an OBE and is a Fellow of the Royal Society, and was awarded the Hans Oeschger medal by the European Geosciences Union in 2004. He holds a PhD in atomic physics from Queen's University, Belfast.
About the Speech:
As the UN Climate Change Conference draws to a close in Cancun, Professor Mitchell explored the latest developments in climate science since the IPCC's 2007 Fourth Assessment Report. The past year has been a challenging one for climate science, in the wake of the 'Climategate' controversy at the University of East Anglia and revelations of non-peer-reviewed literature in the latest IPCC report. Though a public perception exists that the science of climate change is less certain than before, increasingly stark predictions are emerging to counter this view. Professor Mitchell discussed this divide between public perceptions and science, and will outline the latest predictions of climatic impacts across a range of indicators, including sea level, Arctic sea ice, glaciers and land and ocean temperature.
教授对气候变化的辩论约翰米切尔 - 新的科学观点
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- Dec 12 Sun 2010 06:11
IIEA2010.12.10---John Mitchell :气候变化的新科学观点