
TEDxSF2010.12.17---John Kohler : 移動金錢:新硬幣
TEDxSF - John Kohler - Moving Money: The New Coin
For the past several years, John has been a mentor to Social Entrepreneurs at the Global Social Benefit Incubator and now also serves as an Executive Fellow at Santa Clara's Center for Science, Technology and Society. He was recently named to the Center's Board of Advisors. Outside of this, John manages technology investments through Redleaf Venture Management. He has been heavily involved in technology product formation and has been concentrating on Internet and Life Science startups since 1994. John's background includes twenty years of executive level positions in sales operations, product division general management and worldwide customer support at technology corporations including Hewlett Packard, Silicon Graphics and Convergent Technologies/Unisys. He was one of the founding executives at Netscape Communications and original founder of Redleaf Group.

TEDxSF- 約翰科勒- 移動金錢:新硬幣
在過去的幾年裡,約翰一直是導師,在全球社會企業家孵化器的社會效益,現在又擔任行政研究員聖克拉拉的中心科學,技術與社會。最近,他被任命為中心的董事會顧問。超出此,約翰通過雷德利夫管理技術的投資風險管理。他一直積極參與技術產品的形成,並一直專注於互聯網和生命科學創業公司自1994年以來。約翰的背景包括二十多年的行政級別職位銷售業務,產品事業部綜合管理和全球客戶支持科技公司,包括惠普,Silicon Graphics和融合技術/ Unisys的。他是一個創始於網景通訊高管及原創始人雷德利夫集團

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