
GoogleTechTalks2010.12.13---Redis-黑客的數據庫 Redis - The Hacker's Database Google Tech Talk December 2, 2010 Presented by Amir Salihefendic. ABSTRACT A presentation on Redis, a relatively new database with rich datatypes, lots of features and an amazing performance. The presentation will cover following things: * What Redis is and how it compares to other databases such as BigTable or MySQL * How Plurk is using Redis to store millions of timelines and do billions of operations on these timelines without much hardware * How Redis can be used in a lot of creative ways, such as creating a high-performance graph database or a high-performance queue * The distributed future of Redis (scaling Redis to thousands of machines) Amir Salihefendic is a co-founder and lead developer of Plurk, a social network that's highly popular in Taiwan and other parts of Asia. Redis-黑客的數據庫 谷歌技術講座2010年12月2日主辦由Amir Salihefendic。摘要介紹有關 Redis,一個比較新的數據庫,具有豐富的數據類型,大量的功能和驚人的表現。該報告將包括下列內容:*什麼 Redis以及它是如何比較其他數據庫,如BigTable的噗浪或MySQL*如何使用Redis儲存百萬十億計的時間表和行動上做這些時限沒有太多的硬件*如何Redis可用在很多創意的方法,如創建一個高性能的圖形數據庫或一個高性能的分佈式隊列*未來的Redis(縮放 Redis給數千機)阿米爾 Salihefendic是共同創始人和首席開發人員的噗浪,一個社會網絡的高流行在台灣和亞洲其他地區。 ======= 中文翻譯字幕 ==> 影片右下角三角形選單=> 關閉原文字幕cc =>原文字幕操作caption actions => 轉錄音軌內容Transcribe audio=> 翻譯原文字幕Transcribe captions

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