TEDxDunedin2010.12.6---John Tagg :戰役細菌與善惡
TEDxDunedin - John Tagg - The Battle Between Good & Evil Bacteria
When he was just a boy of 12, John Tagg contracted an especially bad case of strep throat that led to rheumatic fever. Rheumatic fever is a delayed, autoimmune reaction to the bacteria that causes strep throat -- Streptococcus pyogenes. It is a very painful, inflammatory condition that makes joints swell and redden. Because rheumatic fever can permanently weaken and damage the heart, it is important to prevent a recurrence of strep.
Now a world renowned microbiologist from the University of Otago in New Zealand whose targeted research has led to the discovery of S. salivarius BLIS K12, a revolutionary ORAL probiotic that prevents infection (including strep throat) where it begins -- in your mouth.
TEDxDunedin- 約翰塔格-戰役細菌與善惡
現在,世界著名微生物學家從奧塔哥大學在新西蘭的有針對性的研究發現,導致唾液S的雙語法例資料系統的K12,一個革命性的益生菌,可以防止口腔感染(包括鏈球菌喉嚨)從哪裡開始- 在你的嘴。
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- Dec 17 Fri 2010 14:23
TEDxDunedin2010.12.6---John Tagg :戰役細菌與善惡