TEDxSF2010.12.8---Kevin Kelly :想要什麼樣的技術
TEDxSF - Kevin Kelly - What Technology Wants
Kevin Kelly is Senior Maverick at Wired magazine. He co-founded Wired in 1 993, and served as its Executive Editor from its inception until 1999. He has just finished a book for Viking/Penguin called "What Technology Wants," published October 18, 2010. He is also editor and publisher of the Cool Tools website, which gets half a million unique visitors per month. From 1984-1990 Kelly was publisher and editor of the Whole Earth Review, a journal of unorthodox technical news. He co-founded the ongoing Hackers' Conference, and was involved with the launch of the WELL, a pioneering online service started in 1985. He authored the best-selling New Rules for the New Economy and the classic book on decentralized emergent systems, Out of Control.
TEDxSF- 凱文凱利-想要什麼樣的技術
凱文凱利是在Wired雜誌的高級小牛。他共同創立於1 993有線,並擔任其執行編輯從成立以來到1999年。他剛剛完成了一本書為維京/企鵝被稱為“想要什麼樣的技術,“出版2010年10月18號。他還編輯出版了酷工具網站,它得到五十萬,每月獨立訪問者。從1984-1990凱利出版人及編輯整個地球審查,非正統的技術新聞雜誌。他參與創辦了正在進行的黑客的會議,並參與了發射了嘛,開拓網上服務開始於 1985年。他撰寫了最暢銷的新規則對新經濟與傳統的分散的應急系統的書上,失去了控制。
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- Dec 17 Fri 2010 14:30
TEDxSF2010.12.8---Kevin Kelly :想要什麼樣的技術