GoogleTechTalks 2011.1.18---Dave Logan:部落領導
Tribal Leadership
Google Tech Talk
January 18, 2011
Presented by Dave Logan.
Every organization and company is a tribe, or a network of tribes-groups of 20 to 150 people that form naturally, in which everyone knows everyone else, or at least knows of them. In this highly interactive session, Dave Logan shows executives how to upgrade their organization one tribe at a time. The result is unprecedented impact and financial success.
Speaker Info:
Dave Logan is a faculty member at the University of Southern California (USC)'s Marshall School of Business, a best-selling author, and management consultant.
Having served on the Marshall faculty since 1996, he currently teaches management and leadership in the USC Executive MBA. He is also on the faculty at the Getty Leadership Institute, and the International Centre for Leadership in Finance (ICLIF), endowed by the former prime minister of Malaysia. From 2001-2004, he served as Associate Dean of Executive Education at USC.
He co-founded CultureSync, a management consulting firm, in 1997, and currently serves as senior partner. The firm has worked with dozens of Fortune 500 companies on the intersection between organizational culture and performance.
Dave is co-author of four books including Tribal Leadership and The Three Laws of Performance. The Three Laws of Performance has been on the best-sellers lists of USA Today, The Wall Street Journal, and Business Week.
He has a Ph.D. from the Annenberg School at USC.
曾擔任學院的馬歇爾自1996年以來,他現任教管理和行政領導在南加州大學工商管理碩士學位。他還對學院領導在蓋蒂研究所和國際金融中心的領導工作(ICLIF),賦予了馬來西亞前總理。從 2001-2004年,他擔任副院長在南加州大學的管理教育。
他共同創立 CultureSync,管理諮詢公司,於 1997年,目前擔任高級合夥人。該公司已與數十家世界500強企業在組織文化的交匯處和性能。
目前分類:未分類文章 (2009)
- Jan 20 Thu 2011 05:53
GoogleTechTalks 2011.1.18---Dave Logan:部落領導
- Jan 16 Sun 2011 03:23
GoogleTechTalks 2011.1.14---Ismail Elshareef:如何減少網頁加載時間80%,3個簡單步驟
GoogleTechTalks 2011.1.14---Ismail Elshareef:如何減少網頁加載時間80%,3個簡單步驟 How Edmunds Decreased Page Load Time by 80% in 3 Simple Steps Google Tech Talk January 13, 2011 Presented by Ismail Elshareef. ABSTRACT Back in the day, the onLoad event on our and pages used to take 9 seconds to fire! Yeah, we thought it was awful too. That's why in late 2008, we set out to do something about. In this talk, I will discuss the three main concepts that helped us take our pages from slow to really fast. Link to blog post: Ismail Elshareef's bio - Ismail has been a web engineer for over twelve years working on architecting and developing web applications and solutions for government, entertainment, media and automotive industries. While working at Ticketmaster's Cottonblend, Ismail was the Chief Architect and Engineer behind the Bunnyfarm CMS project that currently drives and manages sites like The Troubadour, Viejas Entertainment, The Pasadena Civic and At Edmunds, where he was the Director of Front-End Engineering and now Principal Architect of Platform, he's been working with sharp and ambitious engineers on setting and executing a vision for frontend development based in quality, performance and pushing the proverbial technology envelop. In his new role as a Principal Architect, Ismail is spearheading the creation of Edmunds' open platform of APIs and open-srouced products and tools. Edmunds bio - Edmunds Inc. publishes four Web sites that empower, engage and educate automotive consumers, enthusiasts and insiders. Our Web sites consist of (launched in 1995 as the first automotive information Web site), Inside Line (launched in 2005 and the most-read automotive enthusiast Web site), CarSpace (launched in 2007 to provide insightful automotive industry commentary and analysis 埃德蒙茲如何減少網頁加載時間的80%,3個簡單步驟 谷歌技術講座 2011年1月13號 伊斯梅爾 Elshareef主辦。 摘要 早在一天,我們 onLoad事件和insidelien.com網頁使用採取 9秒火!是的,我們認為這是可怕的了。這就是為什麼在2008年年底,我們開始著手做一些工作。在這次講座中,我將討論三個主要概念,有助於我們以我們的網頁由慢到真快。 鏈接到博客文章: ... 伊斯梅爾 Elshareef的生物 - 伊斯梅爾一直是網絡工程師超過 12年工作的架構和開發 Web應用和解決方案,為政府,娛樂,媒體和汽車行業。雖然在票務工作的Cottonblend,司馬義是總建築師,工程師的後面 Bunnyfarm合作醫療項目,目前驅動器和管理網站喜歡的游吟詩人,維賈斯娛樂,帕薩迪納公民和。在埃德蒙茲,在那裡他是導演的前端工程和現在的平台首席建築師,他一直與鋒利的和雄心勃勃的工程師制定和執行發展願景前端設在質量,性能和技術推動眾所周知的信封。在新的崗位為首席建築師,司馬義是帶頭創造 Edmunds的'開放平台的API和開放 srouced產品和工具。 埃德蒙茲生物 - 埃德蒙茲公司的網站發布四個授權,參與和教育汽車消費者,愛好者和內部。我們的網站包括於 1995年推出的第一個汽車信息網站),裡面線(在2005年推出,最讀取汽車愛好者網站),CarSpace於 2007年推出,提供精闢的汽車產業評論和分析 聆聽 以拼音方式閱讀字典 - 檢視詳細字典
- Jan 12 Wed 2011 12:51
Poptech2011.1.11---Adrian Owen:搜尋意識
Poptech2011.1.11---Adrian Owen:搜尋意識
Adrian Owen: Search for Consciousness
What if you were completely conscious but couldn't move or speak? Neuroscientist Adrian Owen and his team have been using brain-imaging techniques to determine levels of consciousness in vegetative patients. By giving simple commands and then measuring brain activity, Owen has learned some patients are completely aware despite being entirely unable to communicate or move their limbs.
- Jan 05 Wed 2011 06:49
Poptech2011.1.4---Stephanie Coontz:關於婚姻
Poptech2011.1.4---Stephanie Coontz:關於婚姻
Stephanie Coontz: On Marriage
What makes an ideal marriage? Stephanie Coontz, a professor of history and family studies and author of "Marriage, A History: How Love Conquered Marriage," says that marrying for love is a radical idea. Ironically, as marriage is becoming a more emotionally satisfying relationship, it is also becoming less stable as an institution
- Jan 05 Wed 2011 06:48
Poptech2011.1.3---Lisa Gansky:未來共享
Poptech2011.1.3---Lisa Gansky:未來共享
Lisa Gansky: The Future is Sharing
Technology entrepreneur Lisa Gansky believes that the growing ubiquity of networked information and relationships are leading to what she calls a "mesh" economy of shared services and products. This "meshiness" not only rewards sharing over ownership, but it is also fundamentally changing our relationship with things from product to experience.
麗莎 Gansky:未來共享
麗莎 Gansky科技企業家認為,日益普及的網絡信息和關係是導致她所說的“網狀“經濟共享服務和產品。這種“meshiness“不僅獎勵分享的所有權,但它也從根本上改變我們的關係,從產品到的事物的經驗。
- Jan 05 Wed 2011 06:46
Poptech2011.1.3---Ben Goldacre:談偽科學
Poptech2011.1.3---Ben Goldacre:談偽科學
Ben Goldacre Talks Bad Science
Author of the Guardian's weekly "Bad Science" column and Bad Science: Quacks, Hacks, and Big Pharma Flacks, British physician Ben Goldacre dismantles the questionable science behind an assortment of drug trials, court cases, and events of our time
- Jan 05 Wed 2011 06:45
Poptech2011.1.3---Elizabeth Dunn:幸福與金錢
Poptech2011.1.3---Elizabeth Dunn:幸福與金錢
Elizabeth Dunn: Happiness and Money
Elizabeth Dunn conducts experimental research on self-knowledge and happiness with a focus on how people can more effectively use their money to increase well-being. Dunn determined that by rethinking how we spend our money, we can "change the world, increase our happiness, or win a game of dodgeball."
- Jan 05 Wed 2011 06:44
Poptech2011.1.3---Alan Rabinowitz:拯救大貓
Poptech2011.1.3---Alan Rabinowitz:拯救大貓
Alan Rabinowitz: Saving Big Cats
Alan Rabinowitz overcame a debilitating stutter to lend his voice on behalf of big cats. After creating the world's first jaguar sanctuary and world's largest tiger reserve, the wildlife biologist now calls for new models of conservation that rely on wildlife corridors to allow humans and animals to coexist more peacefully
- Dec 24 Fri 2010 04:26
O'Reilly Webcast: Netflix and the Second Coming of the Internet
A look at the shift to an API-driven web where content, marketing and commerce are carried out beyond the browser in a world of millions of internet-connected devices, mobile computing and the rise of the app store. This webcast includes presentation and discussion on successfully developing an API strategy for retail, media and ecommerce companies in the new internet. Learn how to drive mobile apps, cloud services and innovation using APIs for developer adoption and revenue-generating partnerships. Michael Hart, Director of Engineering at Netflix and Mike Debnar, Vice President of Multichannel at Apigee, will discuss the business shift to an as-a-Service model as well as the new technical demands and infrastructure required by the "API Economy."
看看這些轉變為一個 API驅動的網站在內容,市場營銷和商業都進行了瀏覽器之外的世界數以百萬計的互聯網連接設備,移動計算和應用商店的崛起。此網絡廣播包括演講和討論的API的策略成功地發展為零售,媒體和電子商務公司在新的互聯網。了解如何推動移動應用服務,雲服務和創新為開發通過使用API和創收的夥伴關係。邁克爾哈特,工程總監邁克 Debnar在Netflix和副總統在Apigee多通道,將洽談業務轉移到作為即服務模型以及新的技術要求和基礎設施所需的“API的經濟。
- Dec 19 Sun 2010 08:06
India: The Road Ahead
India's economy is primarily driven by domestic sources of growth, unlike other emerging economies which rely heavily on exports. This helped India's economy during the crisis, growth was sustained and in fact, India will be leading global growth for at least the next two years.
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- Dec 19 Sun 2010 08:04
Poland: Prudence and Prosperity
Poland is the only country in the European Union to have escaped recession in 2009. Its limited reliance on exports, coupled with a strong banking system and sound public finances protected the country from the effects of the global economic crisis.
This film takes you through Poland's journey from socialism to a market economy and the challenges it faced along the way. By adopting sound economic policies, Poland is now moving ahead to becoming what some call a potential "economic powerhouse" of Europe.
"One thing we have really learned from the Polish experience is that if the policymakers have the courage to take action in a most difficult situation, they can achieve remarkable things."
-Mark Allen, IMF Senior Resident Representative in Warsaw
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- Dec 19 Sun 2010 08:03
China: The Road to Sustainable Growth
China has undergone a breathtaking economic and social transformation during the past three decades. Even though the global economic crisis put a dent in exports, a massive government stimulus cushioned the Chinese economy from the worst of the downturn. Through spending on roads, infrastructure, and health, the government supported the country's economic output, helping the country sustain its growth rate.
Yet many challenges still lie ahead on the road to prosperity. For instance, China needs to boost domestic consumption and create a stronger social safety net for its 1.3 billion people.
"China has grown about 9½ percent on average every year for 30 years, and that implies that the Chinese economy doubles in size about every 8 years."
-Linda Yueh, Oxford University
然而,許多挑戰仍然擺在面前的道路走向繁榮。例如,中國需要刺激國內消費,創造一個更強有力的社會安全網擁有 13億人口。
“中國已經成長百分之約 9個半,平均每年為30年,這意味著,中國經濟規模大約每雙打8年。“
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- Dec 19 Sun 2010 08:02
- Dec 19 Sun 2010 04:45
oxford2010.10.26---銀河動物園 的興起與公民科學崛起
oxford2010.10.26---銀河動物園 的興起與公民科學崛起
Galaxy Zoo - The Rise and Rise of Citizen Science
The annual Oxford University Alumni Weekend aims to showcase the Collegiate University as a whole, giving prominence to a range of current research and its application to real world situations, as well as recognising the achievements of Oxford men and women. Past themes include "A Global Oxford" (2008), "Equal Citizenship" (2009) and "Shared Treasures" (2010).
銀河動物園 -的興起與公民科學崛起
中文翻譯字幕 ==> 影片右下角三角形選單=> 關閉原文字幕cc =>原文字幕操作caption actions => 轉錄音軌內容Transcribe audio=> 翻譯原文字幕Transcribe captions
- Dec 19 Sun 2010 04:44
Breast Cancer: Causes and Prevention
The annual Oxford University Alumni Weekend aims to showcase the Collegiate University as a whole, giving prominence to a range of current research and its application to real world situations, as well as recognising the achievements of Oxford men and women. Past themes include "A Global Oxford" (2008), "Equal Citizenship" (2009) and "Shared Treasures" (2010).
中文翻譯字幕 ==> 影片右下角三角形選單=> 關閉原文字幕cc =>原文字幕操作caption actions => 轉錄音軌內容Transcribe audio=> 翻譯原文字幕Transcribe captions
- Dec 19 Sun 2010 04:43
China, US, global imbalances and the 2008 financial crisis
The annual Oxford University Alumni Weekend aims to showcase the Collegiate University as a whole, giving prominence to a range of current research and its application to real world situations, as well as recognising the achievements of Oxford men and women. Past themes include "A Global Oxford" (2008), "Equal Citizenship" (2009) and "Shared Treasures" (2010).
中文翻譯字幕 ==> 影片右下角三角形選單=> 關閉原文字幕cc =>原文字幕操作caption actions => 轉錄音軌內容Transcribe audio=> 翻譯原文字幕Transcribe captions
- Dec 19 Sun 2010 04:42
Languages disorders in children: What can they tell us about genes and brains?
The annual Oxford University Alumni Weekend aims to showcase the Collegiate University as a whole, giving prominence to a range of current research and its application to real world situations, as well as recognising the achievements of Oxford men and women. Past themes include "A Global Oxford" (2008), "Equal Citizenship" (2009) and "Shared Treasures" (2010).
中文翻譯字幕 ==> 影片右下角三角形選單=> 關閉原文字幕cc =>原文字幕操作caption actions => 轉錄音軌內容Transcribe audio=> 翻譯原文字幕Transcribe captions
- Dec 19 Sun 2010 04:40
Oxford University
- Dec 17 Fri 2010 06:19
INSEAD2010.12.15---未來持有歐元? What does the future hold for the Euro? INSEADofficial 西元2010年12月15日 INSEAD professors Antonio Fatas and Douglas Webber talk with INSEAD Knowledge... INSEAD professors Antonio Fatas and Douglas Webber talk with INSEAD Knowledge Executive Editor Shellie Karabell... 什麼是未來持有歐元? INSEADofficial 西元2010年12月15日 歐洲工商管理學院教授安東尼 Fatas和道格拉斯韋伯跟歐洲工商管理學院知識 ... 歐洲工商管理學院教授安東尼 Fatas和道格拉斯韋伯跟歐洲工商管理學院執行主編謝爾利卡拉貝爾知識... 中文翻譯字幕 ==> 影片右下角三角形選單=> 關閉原文字幕cc =>原文字幕操作caption actions => 轉錄音軌內容Transcribe audio=> 翻譯原文字幕Transcribe captions
- Dec 17 Fri 2010 03:59